Why Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a system of medicine that is complimentary to our conventional system. There is a focus on disease prevention, with an aim to intervene before disease presents itself. Naturopathic Doctors (ND’s) are like health detectives, looking not just at the physical symptoms a patient is experiencing, but also considering their mental, emotional and spiritual states. ND’s spend time getting to know their patients and attempt to identify the root cause of their concerns. Naturopathic doctors understand that our bodies have inherent abilities to heal, if we can properly support them. ND’s spend time educating their patients in order to give them the tools and empowerment to take responsibility for their own health and wellness. Naturopathic Doctors do not replace or compete with Medical Doctors - our skill sets compliment each other, and the best healing is achieved when we work alongside each other. Naturopathic doctors will not encourage you to stop medication or other treatments prescribed by your MD, rather we will ensure any recommendations we make are safe and supportive of your current protocols. 

Naturopathic doctors are well trained in nutrition, TCM acupuncture, herbal medicine, health psychology and physical medicine. In addition to the modalities listed, ND’s also perform physical exams, requisition lab testing such as blood work and stool testing, and make lifestyle recommendations to optimize patient’s health.

Naturopathic doctors undergo a rigorous 4 year post graduate degree program at an accredited Naturopathic Medical school, and are licensed and board certified to practice in their jurisdiction. They undergo thousands of hours of training in medical and clinical sciences (such as anatomy and biochemistry) as well as naturopathic therapies (such as botanical medicine). Naturopathic Doctors in Ontario are regulated health professionals governed by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario, and are supported by the Canadian and Ontario Associations of Naturopathic Medicine. 

The relationship between an ND and the patient is a vital part of the healing process, therefore it’s important to find an ND that you resonate with and feels like a good fit for you. 


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